Trying to run a business while navigating different international tax structures is a tall task. Our team takes on the responsibility of solving the riddle, the puzzle of international tax planning while you focus on growing your business. The goal is to enable your business to maximize its total net income, abide by local tax regulations, minimize costs, and grow your cross-border reach. 

Here is a list of the most commonly sought after services of our international tax planning unit: 

  • Tax Advisory on Different Types of Companies 
  • International Tax Structuring and Advisory 
  • Modern Tax Structuring 
  • Tax Review & Dispute Resolution 
  • Tax Reporting 
  • Plan Advice on Income Tax and Social Security Aspects of International Employee Assignments 
  • Offshore and Onshore Tax Planning 
  • Tax Planning for High-Net-Worth Individuals 
  • Negotiation of Tax Rulings With the Relevant Tax Authorities