~ Key Benefits ~

Malta Residency Program Overview

  • Required Investment Purchase: South Malta & GozoEUR 300,000 or EUR 300,000 Elsewhere in Malta
  • Required Investment Lease: South Malta & GozoEUR 10,000 (annual) or EUR 12,000 (annual) Elsewhere in Malta
  • Processing Time: 6 months from the submission of the application
  • Residence applies to the whole family (applicant, spouse, and children).
  • Travel freely within the Shengen zone.
  • Stay in countries of the Schengen zone for 90 (ninety) days per semester.
  • Open a bank account in Malta.
  • Have access to public medical services in Malta.
  • Have access to the public educational system of Malta.
  • Obtain a vehicle with a European license permit.

Malta Life Overview

  • Stable political System.
  • Mediterranean climate.
  • Low cost of Living.
  • Good health care system.
  • Low crime rate.
  • Great History.

Malta Tax Benefits Overview

  • Flat Corporate Tax of 35%.
  • Double Tax treaty network with more than 57 countries
  • Access to EU Tax Directives
  • No Inheritance/Wealth Taxes.
  • Non-domiciled program.
  • No estate duty
  • No municipal taxes

Business and Legal Environment Overview

  • Strong business support services.
  • The legal system is aligned to the European Legal System.
  • Malta is a member of the Schengen area.
  • Register companies is simple and fast.
  • Full access to European markets.
  • Strong Economic environment.

Location is one of the primary reasons that make Malta an attractive business destination. Malta is strategically located at the heart of the Mediterranean with very close ties to mainland Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Rated as one of Europe’s best performing and one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. 

Why do businesses choose Malta to set up shop? For starters, Malta has one financial services regulator, the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA), meaning less bureaucracy. Furthermore, Malta has created an advantageous tax and trade environment that companies can thrive. Amongst others, the company tax stands at 35% on all profits, with shareholders claiming up to 6/7ths refund on the distribution of a dividend, which essentially reduces the corporate tax burden to 5%. Additionally, Malta is part of over 70 double tax treaties, which opens the door to most global and developing economies in the world.

Another major advantage that puts Malta high on the map of business destinations is the ease of doing business, low operations cost, and innovative business structures that allow companies to set up and run their business quickly and efficiently. The country has placed a lot of effort, time, and resources in creating the ideal environment and right conditions for companies to develop, launch and scale their business.

Criteria for granting an Immigration Permit within the scope of the expedited procedure to applicants who are third country nationals and invest in Malta. 


Applicants can apply under the Malta Permanent Residence Programme (MPRP) by investing to a real estate investment (purchase/lease) and a donation to a charity organization. 


Purchase Option

Lease Option

Government Admin Fee



Government Contribution



Purchase Criteria

€300,000 (Gozo/South of Malta) 
€350,000 (rest of Malta) 


Lease Criteria


€10,000 / year (Gozo/South of Malta)  
€12,000 / year (rest of Malta) 

Minimum Donation



At present the qualifying property for P.R in south Malta must be purchased for a minimum of €300,000 or rented for €10,000, while properties in the rest of Malta must have a minimum value of €350,000 or €12,000 in the case of rent.

A total contribution of €70,000 is payable for investors who purchase a qualifying property, whilst a contribution of €98,000 applies in case of lease. 


Conditions and qualify criteria of Malta Residency by Investment program:

The main applicant:

  • must be at least 18 years of age.
  • must be a Third Country National, ie. a non-EU national.
  • meets the application requirements laid down by Malta Government.
  • commits to provide proof of title to qualifying property (which must be held for a minimum 5 year period from the date of issue of the residence certificate).
  • commits to pay in full the contribution.
  • is in possession of valid travel document as are his dependents
  • is in possession of a sickness insurance in respect of all risks across the whole of the European Union normally covered for Maltese nationals.
  • Fit and proper persons with a clean criminal record
  • Family members can apply together 
  • Only open to Non-EU nationals, non-EEA, non-Swiss and non-sanctioned countries
  • Applicants must be self-sufficient, having at least €500,000 in capital, out of which €150,000 should be financial assets. 

Residence applies to the whole family:

  • unmarried couples in a long-term relationship and
  • dependent unmarried children with no age limit, as well as
  • economically dependent parents and grandparents on either side.

*An additional fee of €7,500 each (parents and grand-parents of the main applicant and spouse), plus donation €2,000.


If all the criteria of this policy are met and if there are no reasons with regard to either the applicant’s criminal record or to public order and public security issues, the application will be forwarded for examination.

It is estimated that the examination period of the application from the date of submission of the completed application will be approximately 4-6 months.