~ Key Benefits ~

Greece Residency Program Overview

  • Required Investment: EUR 250,000.
  • Processing Time: 2-3 months from the submission of the application .
  • Residence applies to the whole family (applicant, spouse, and children under 21 years old).
  • Travel freely within the Shengen zone.
  • Stay in countries of the Schengen zone for 90 (ninety) days per semester.
  • Open a bank account in Greece.
  • Have access to public medical services in Greece.
  • Have access to the public educational system in Greece.
  • Obtain a vehicle with a European license permit.
  • Possibility to rent out the property and generate income.
  • No minimun stay requirement.

Greece Life Overview

  • Among the safest countries in the world to leave and grow up your family.
  • Mediterranean climate.
  • Unexeptional Greek gastronomy
  • More than 200 hundred islands to visit.
  • Excellent Education System.
  • Great health care system.
  • Comfortable transportation network.

Greece Tax Benefits Overview

  • Flat Corporate Tax of 24%.
  • Double Tax treaty network with more than 57 countries
  • Access to EU Tax Directives
  • Non-domiciled program.

Business and Legal Environment Overview

  • Strong business support services.
  • The legal system is aligned to the European Legal System.
  • Nominee Services are applicable.
  • Greece is a member of the Schengen area.
  • The economic crisis of the last decades created a lot of investment opportunities.
  • Register companies is simple and fast.
  • Full access to European markets.
  • Economic Rebound

Greece has always been a staple of modern business in the Western world. Its elite location allows it to be at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. With lots of ports and a variety of dominant industries, Greece is a business hub, a place where companies from all around the world use it to their benefit. The country is known for excelling in the following industries: tourism, shipping, industrial products, food and tobacco processing, textiles, chemicals, metal products, mining, and petroleum. Its economy is the 51st largest globally with a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of $209.853 billion per annum. 

Apart from being the perfect gateway to the emerging markets of the Balkans, the Black Sea, and Eastern Europe, Greece is attracting investor interest from around the world because of its high-performing human capital, advanced infrastructure, high quality of life, favorable weather, and low cost of living. It’s always important to remember that businesses are created and run by people and those people seek a lifestyle that can make them happy daily. When analyzing potential market and business destinations, factors such as the weather and quality of life fail to make it on spreadsheets. Greece ticks those boxes, which is why it’s one of the most diverse and advantageous destinations. 

Criteria for granting an Immigration Permit within the scope of the expedited procedure to applicants who are third country nationals and invest in Greece. 


  1. By decision of the Secretary General of the Decentralized Administration,  residence permit for five years, subject to renewal,  is granted to  a third country national who:
    (a) has legally entered the country with any type of visa or legally resides in the country, even if the type of residence permit that he possesses, does not permit change of purpose.
     (b) has  personally the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece. In the case of jointly owned property, worth 250,000 euro, the right of residence is granted only if the owners of the property are spouses with indivisible shares in the property. In all other cases of joint ownership, the right of residence is granted only if the   joint ownership rate of each joint owner is worth 250,000 euro.
     (c) has the full ownership, possession and peaceful enjoyment of real estate property in Greece via a legal entity, whose shares  are fully owned by him.
     (d) has concluded an agreement for at least  a ten year lease of hotel accommodation or furnished tourist residences in tourist accommodation complexes, pursuant to Article 8 par. 2 of Law 4002/2011 (Government Gazette 1, no 180).
     (e) has concluded  a time sharing agreement pursuant to the provisions of Law 1652/1986 “Time sharing agreement and related issues” (Government Gazette 1, no 167), which is in force.
  2. The minimum value of the real estate property, as well as the contractual consideration of hotel accommodation or tourist residences leases of this Article, is determined at two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euro and must have been paid in full upon the signing of the contract.

“ The consideration is paid by a crossed bank cheque to a bank account of the beneficiary, held in a credit institution operating in Greece or with a credit transfer, as defined by Law 4537/2018 article 4, par. 24 (Official Government Gazette Α΄ 84) to a beneficiary’s bank account held in a payment service provider, as defined by Law 4537/2018 article 4 par. 11 operating in Greece”

By joint decision of the Ministers for the Interior and Finance, the value of the above real estate property may be adjusted and shall result from the property value stated in the contracts  or from the lease agreements.

  1. Το third country nationals, real estate property owners, the possibility of leasing that property is  granted.
  2. The above third-country national may be accompanied by the members of his family to whom,  at their request,  an  individual residence permit is issued,  that expires together with the residence permit of the sponsor.
    Family members shall mean:
     a. Spouses
     b. the other spouse or partner with whom a third-country national has a cohabitation agreement in Greece
     c. The direct unmarried descendants of the spouses, who are under the age of 21
     d. the direct unmarried descendants of the supporter or of the other spouse/partner , provided that their custody has been legally entrusted to the sponsor (for his/her children) and to the other partner (for his/her children), under 21 years of age
     e. the direct relatives of the spouses in the ascending line.
  3. The above permit may be renewed for an equal duration, each time, provided that   the real estate property remains in the ownership and possession of the third-country national or the agreements of paragraph 1 of this remain in force and all other requirements, provided by law, are fulfilled.  Periods of absence from the country shall not disrupt the renewal of the residence permit.
    “The resale of the real estate property during the period of validity of the residence permit, to another third-country national shall provide the right to the granting of residence permit to the new buyer with simultaneous withdrawal of the vendor’s residence permit.”
  4. The residence permits, being granted pursuant to the paragraphs 1 and 4 of this Article, do not establish the right of access to any form of employment.

Please download here a Brief Guide to Residence Permits for real estate owners in Greece, edited by Enterprise Greece, in the following languages: English, GreekChineseRussianArabic and Turkish .

Option 2: Residence Permits for investment in securities or a bank deposit in Greece

  1. The entrance and residence of third country nationals is permitted in Greece, for the purpose of making an intangible investment in Greece in specific forms of securities or a bank deposit exceeding the value of €400,000, either as individuals or through legal entities.
  2. Beneficiaries of the right to enter and obtain a permanent residence permit under this program are:

– non-EU/EEA citizens who, as individuals, invest in Greece in securities or a bank deposit,

– non-EU/EEA citizens who invest in Greece in securities or a bank deposit through a domestic legal entity of

which they hold all corporate shares,

– shareholders or executives of a foreign legal entity that makes an investment in Greece in securities or a

bank deposit (up to three residence permits are granted depending on the amount of the investment),

– family members of the non-EU/EEA citizen.

The residence permit granted to the above non-EU/EEA citizens does not entitle them to work in Greece.

  1. Categories of investment:

Capital contribution, amounting to at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros, to a company headquartered or established in Greece, except for Holding Companies and Real Estate Investment Companies, for the acquisition of stock in a capital stock increase or bonds upon the issuance of a bond loan, which are listed for trading in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece.

Capital contribution, amounting to at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros, to a Real Estate Investment Company (REIC) under article 21 of Law 2778/1999 (OJHR A-295), whose object is to invest exclusively in Greece, for the acquisition of stock in an increase of its capital stock.

Capital contribution, amounting to at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros, to a Venture Capital Company (VCC) under article 5 of Law 2367/1995 (OJHR A-261) for the acquisition of stock, or capital contribution to a Venture Capital Fund (VCF) under article 7 of Law 2992/2002 (OJHR A-54) for the acquisition of stock, provided that the object of the said Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) is to invest exclusively in companies headquartered or established in Greece.

Purchase of Greek Treasury bonds, with an acquisition value of at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros and a residual duration, at the time of purchase, at least three (3) years, through a credit institution established in Greece, which is also their custodian.

Term deposit of at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros, in a domestic credit institution, for at least one year, with a standing renewal order.

Purchase of shares, corporate bonds, or Greek Treasury bonds, which are listed for trading or traded in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece, of an acquisition value of at least eight hundred thousand (800,000) euro.

Purchase of shares of an acquisition value of at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euros in a mutual fund, which has been established in Greece or another country and whose object is to invest exclusively in shares, corporate bonds or Greek Treasury bonds that are listed for trading or traded in regulated markets or multilateral trading facilities operating in Greece.

Purchase of shares or stock of an acquisition value of at least four hundred thousand (400,000) euro in an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF), which has been established in Greece or another Member State of the European Union and whose object is to invest exclusively in real estate in Greece, provided it is included, upon its request, in the list compiled by the Foreign Funds Directorate of the Ministry of Development and Investment in cooperation with the Hellenic Capital Market Commission.


Α) Residence Permit issued for the Financially Independent individuals

Α.1) Visa Type D

Required Documentation:

– Passport

– Health certificate with an Apostille

– Copy of the criminal record with an Apostille

– An official document that proves a monthly income of two thousand euros (2.000,00€) and/or more, with an extra 20% of the stated amount for the spouse and 15% for each dependent child, added to the official monthly income.

– Tenancy agreement or a Real Estate purchase contract

*** requirements may vary for nationals from country to country. So contact with the Greek Consulate is strongly suggested.

Α.2) Upon arrival to Greece with a type D Visa

Required Documentation:

– Application Form

– Two (2) recent colored photographs in a hard copy, that have the same technical specifications as passport photos, as well as in a digital form stored on a CD in a JPEG2000 graphics format

– Certified copy of a valid passport or another travel document

– Administrative fee in the form of an electronic form, according to the provisions of the article 132 of the Law 4251/2014, wherever it is required

– Insurance policy by a private insurance company, wherever it is allowed by the existing legislation

– Official documents, proving that the interested party possesses adequate financial means, in terms of a steady annual income, the amount of which is determined by joint Ministerial Regulation (currently 24.000,00€) deposited in a Greek Banking Institution